National Association of Widows in Ireland

VENUE: The Barbican Centre, William Street.
Last Thursday of the month at 3.30pm

About NAWI

All kinds of widows join the Association, the rich, the poor, the young, the not so young and the elderly.

A widow can build a new life within the Association, regain confidence and gently adjust to a new life.

No matter what are her problems, social, emotional, financial or legal, help and advice is there for her

There are 30 branches throughout the country and their activities are many and varied ranging from outings, social gatherings, holidays seminars, educational talks and demonstrations.

In Dublin there is a section for younger widows with their special needs some of whom must work but are faced with childcare problems.

Through the wise counsel of the association many of these widows have been prevented from making irreversible decisions at a time of emotional instability.

The not so young widow whose family is grown up and off her hands, she feels her aloneness more keenly now that her social life has dwindled and time drags, so she joins N.A.W.I. where she finds ample opportunity to socialise among other women in the same situation.

Then there is the elderly widow who can be assured that here she is welcome and needed.

Enriching the lives of all widows and campaigning on their behalf for social justice is the prime objective of the Association. Within this busy active organisation are some of the most splendid women in the country.

If you are a widow, you can become a member of this powerful family.You might even wish to start a branch in your own area, all you need is ten others to start with. We will tell you how to proceed and give you every help.